Company Profile

E-VOLUZIONE was born from the experience of its founder F.M.Sacerdoti and is configured as a high-tech company applied to the industrial, aerospace and research sectors specialised in the development of hardware/software applications that are also very complex.
e-voluzione meets the ever-increasing needs of advanced technology in industries, allowing them to embark on an innovative ‘path’ followed and guided by e-voluzione.
Our Mission
The multidisciplinary experiences of e-voluzione consultants make it possible to respond comprehensively to customer needs, even where the best competitors fail. One of our main objectives is to apply the experiences gained in the company even in reality completely different from the original ones.


L’azienda fa parte del gruppo di Imprese ospitate all’interno dello stand della Regione Campania e selezionate a seguito di “AVVISO PUBBLICO PER LA PRESENTAZIONE DI MANIFESTAZIONI DI INTERESSE FINALIZZATE ALLA PARTECIPAZIONE COLLETTIVA DI PMI CAMPANE OPERANTI NEI SETTORI AEROSPACE, AUTOMOTIVE, RAIL E NAVAL ALLA FIERA “WORLD METROLOGY DAY EVENT 2024″ – NAPOLI 23-25 MAGGIO 2024”, pubblicato sul BURC n. 33 del 22 aprile 2024.


Scopri come raggiungerci

Città della Scienza – Via Coroglio, 57/104 – 80124  Napoli (NA)